Month: April 2022 (Page 1 of 4)

Shower and Hot Water Systems

Ive been looking into having a shower awning on the side of my new van and after looking at several different brands I came across the Quickpitch, having the most solid bracket system I could find. Im also looking at hot water systems. I dont like having indoor systems they take up too much room and when they break. Been there done that. There are several options listed below. from a Joolca portable LPG operated system. To a solar and 12volt options. Still looking into comparing whats out there, but prefer portable and easy to fix.

Shower Privacy Tents


Hot Water Systems

Ontap (12V)


Sea to Summit (Solar)

Joolca (LPG)

Drilling Without a Drill and Bushcraft Tensioning System

I was watching Dan Wowak Hacks on the Coalcracker channel which are full of ideas and since I had timber to spare thought Id try to drill a toggle without a drill and turn it into a ratchet strap for a bedroll. I believe I first saw the tensioner system on Felix Immlers channel so I also put a link to his site. Lots of cool ideas on there as well.

timber split and V notch cut
binding completed
tensioning cord attached showing the completed hole

Coalcracker Ratchet Strap

Coalcracker Drilling without a drill

Felix Immler Bushcraft Tensioner

Tent Peg Project

Since missing out on the BSA Level 2 course Im doing a few sections of it myself. Cordage, shelter building, tent pegs, bucksaw, mallet and pack frame. Its keeping me busy in-between doctors appointments for the next four weeks while Im not up to doing much else.

some nice grain came up in the yellow box gum
tried a few different methods on the harder Australian timbers
this is why I like using 6 to 8 inch blades in this country
finished pegs

I tried a few different methods on shaping the pegs. From in-bedding an axe and scrapping the timber backwards over the edge, to chopping with a larger 8 inch bolo. The timber in Australia is so much harder than Northern Hardwoods. This is why I favour a 6 inch blade.

Cordage : Bark Experiment

Ive stripped the bark from the yellow box gum trees to one inch pieces. Then soaked it in water overnight. Ive then stripped it further to 5mm diameter and soaked it again. Over the weekend Ill rub it between my hands to break down the fibers even more then start to do a reverse wrap method.

scrapping all the burnt outer layer off with the 90 degree spine of blade
splitting it with an Esse RB3 before pulling it apart with my fingers
top the 5mm pieces ready to soak, below the scrapped burnt outer

Im finding it easiest to place the blade vertically into a bench top and half way though the material and pulling it through to split the bark. Then reverse it to do the other end. When it gets thin enough or soaked enough I can strip it down further using my hands. Ill rub it over weekend to break down the fibers even more.To start and make cordage.

Timber Processing for Projects

stripping the bark
had some nice long sheets come off
really happy with the ESSE RB3
finished ready for production
soaking the bark for cordage making

Spent the afternoon stripping most of the branches. Some were too burnt to use. Managed to get enough for the projects I had in mind and enough bark strips to make cordage. Really happy with the way the ESSE RB3 handled the job.

Scout Number 3

burnt out area used for collecting material
slippery jacks
size of the trees downed by fire
new fishing spot
collected these for making a buck saw and roycroft pack frame

I believe this is my third scout of the area. I went out looking for approximately one inch thick and straight limbs to make a Roycraft pack frame and a buck saw. Found another fishing hole and what I believe are Suillus luteus Slippery Jack mushrooms. The timber was collected from a recent brush fire burn off. Ill spend the rest of the day stripping the bark off ready to start my projects.

Self Reliance Outfitters The Pathfinder School Aussie Challenge

Dave Canterbury had lined up to come back to Australia after his last visit in 2019 to teach his Basic Survival Class so Ive been told but the plague happened and the trip didnt. Ive gotten all motivated for my Level 2 bushcraft course (Which didnt happen) and thought Id give myself a challenge of going out with only the gear list of the 10cs and by going off youtube videos seeing how I go at duplicating some of what is covered on the Pathfinder couse in case Dave ever makes it back to Australia to teach. Hopefully 2023.

Thats not going to happen now atleast till I have my health back under control, but I must have dribbled on too much with mates at the caravan park I was staying in. Talking about bushcraft all the time because they now want to learn some skills. So were talking about setting up a bushcraft study group.

I thought this is a good way for people to learn, have a support base and just get out and do shit and provide a sense of purpose. Keep in mind this will also involve beer and fishing. Im putting the idea out there to see if others are interested in forming a study group of their own. If it became popular enough maybe we could approach Dave and see if he was interested in becoming involved over the internet, you never know.

The 10 C’s of Survivability refer to the 10 Categories of Tools used in survival. Please separate the 10 C’s into an easily manageable backpack or haversack (shoulder bag) as these are the primary tools you will utilize:

1) Cutting Tools:

Knife: Should be non-coated with a 90 degree spine.

Folding Saw

2) Combustion Devices: Fire Kit Components

Two Bic Lighters

1/2” x 6” Ferrocerium Rod (DO NOT bring a small one!)

3) Cover: Emergency Shelter

All Weather 5×7 Space Blanket

Four, 6mil, 55 gallon Drum Liners

One Queen Size Wool Blanket or Swagman Roll

6 plastic tent stakes (no metal)

4) Cordage:

100ft Paracord

100ft #36 Tarred Bankline

5) Container: Drinking & Cooking

Qty 2 Pathfinder 32oz Bottle and Nesting Cup (or equivalent and MUST be wide mouth)

6) Compass

Must have bezel ring, sighting mirror and magnifying lens and non-lensatic

Recommended Suunto MC-2

Ranger Pace beads

7) Cloth & Repair

3′ x 3′ of 100% Cotton Material (Shemagh or XXXL Orange T Shirt)

Scrap Cotton material like an old T (100% Cotton)

(1) #14 Sail Needle

8) Candling Device: Lighting

Headlamp with Spare Batteries

9) Cargo: Tape

1 Large Roll of Gorilla Tape (Not Standard Duct Tape)

10) Combination Tool: Multi Tools

Leatherman Style Multi Tool or Swiss Army Knife

Additionally you will need:

All Weather Notebook/ Journal

3 Pencils/ All Weather Pens

Clothes appropriate for weather conditions.

Appropriate Hygiene Items

So the idea is to learn to do the following:

Make a Bucksaw frame with a 21 inch blade

flint and steel fires

frensel lens fires

20 feet rope soft shoulder straps for pack frames both Roycroft and H ladder style

dismantle and use a wet bic lighter

make a mallet


6 toggles

4 tent stakes

fire bow and bearing block fires

natural shelters

emergency shelters using mylar tarps

knots and lashings

knife sharpening

bush style cooking over a fire

filtering water

try stick carving


splitting wood

plumbers vice

Basic Class Gear Update 2022

Intermediate Gear List

Scout Course

Advanced Class

Pack Frame

Rescue A Wet BIC Lighter

Try Stick

Bushcraft, Disability and Anxiety/Depression

I have a few theories, I would like to share that I havent seem implemented. One was introducing Kali (Stick fighting) into physical rehab. Your twirling a stick around. Its not only great as a passive physical means of rehabilitation for uppe body but also helps to fix the mind when yourve had such mental anguish its difficult to make your mind work and concentrate. The other is to use bushcraft to help with Anxiety and Depression by being outdoors and learning new skills and keeping your hands working all the time. Theres no time to think too much. The third is involving more disabled into bushcraft.

Bushcraft is one thing that no matter what level of disability you have its something you can do and push yourself to be around people and participate in life it boosts self-esteem, helps one feel in control, more confident, create relationships, release endorphins, and feel more independent.

A conversation I had a few days ago with one of my instructors. He said he knew why I did these courses. I replied Im not giving up otherwise Id be sitting around drinking piss all day.

Yourve got to get out there, participate, be part of life, meet people ,learn!

BSA Level 2

Bushcraft Survival Level 2 was a bust for me. Arrived at 5pm and set up camp and met the level 1 guys. There were only the two of us newbies joining the remainder of level 1. Gordo prepared a meal of curried mince and rice for everyone. Then class began on knife sharpening. We ended up retiring at 1030pm.

About 2am I woke up with breathing problems, I was gasping with big breaths and I tried to control it for an hour then at 3am things got a little weird and my heart rate went through the roof and it just didnt feel right and I wandered down to camp bare foot trying to find Gordo and sit by the fire and see if it calmed down. That didnt work. Couldnt find anyone and the fire was out and I was getting worse so I walked back to my camp found the first hootchie set up and woke them up asking if they could grab Gordo for me.

I want to thank Phil for walking me back to the main camp and waking Gordo and making sure I was settled down. I wasnt feeling very good by that time.Gordo checked my pulse and it was up to 130 beats per minute and with my medical history just called ahead to the hospital at Heathcote. While Nero ran me down there and we waited for an ambulance to take me to Bendigo main hospital. Like most small country towns there are no doctors at the hospitals and they need to be called in and you say transplant and its straight to a larger medical system.

12 hours later after blood tests, xrays, CT scans etc etc I was stable enougn to leave. Nero picked my up and I headed home. I didnt want to risk it happening again it would have been irresponsible to stay.

Id just gotten over pneumonia and I thought it was that playing up and I would have felt like a jackass if I had turned up to class with a preexisting ailment I hadnt completely recovered from and wasted my groups and instructors time and energy.

So good news and bad news. Good news!The chest was clear only slight crackles at the base and CT was clear. So after the doctors called the Alfred specialists and RAH specialists, with the suspicion of either rejection or inflammation it was neither. Bad news! The next few weeks Ill be running around arranging a long list of medical follow ups, from heart monitors to hoses down the neck checking for possible throat cancer. I keep loosing my voice and if it were bacterial the two courses antibiotics should have cleared it up. So fun times ahead!

I drove home and arrived at 930pm a long few days. Ive just unpacked dis-morning and am sitting here looking at a large pile of crap sitting in front of me and having a break writing this post.

Things I would have done different at the course. Taken a thicker insulated ground pad,I should have put both sleeping bags together.The special forces 2 was comfortable most of the night but not at 3am. Taken a small 10 litre backpack to put my crap in. The large bag held my hootchie and clothes but a smaller one would have fitted my bowl, note pad, meds and water bottle to go from my camp to the base camp instead of carrying a water bottle holder and messenger bag. Rehashed knots, Ive spent months learning new knots but under stress was doing an adjustable guyline hitch in reverse. Took a few things I wouldnt have needed but wasnt sure exactly what we were doing. If we had of redone the timed test the extra smaller pot would have come in handy but if cooking for ourselves then the lager bushpot would have been all I needed. Could have pissed off the IFAK etc to reduce weight but Ive done too many medical courses now, there are certain things I refuse to loose. There are a few other things but Ill have to edit them in later when I can concentrate more. Ohhh the knives. Should have taken the Spyderco bushcraft. The second day were were doing constructing tools. A larger Scandi grind would have worked better than the smaller blade. The Shemanese would still have been better for cooking. Been eyeing off a Tops BOB Field Craft for the next time.

I just wanted to jot these thoughts down to thank the guys there. Everyone I met was great seemed like a nice bunch of people would have been good to get to know them better. Special thx to Phil for the assist and Gordo and Nero for the prompt medical responses. Gordo has put my booking on hold so I can catch up with the level 2 later in the year up north.

Was thinking of you guys when I stopped for a driving break and had a maccas. (Inside joke)

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