After two years of posting I made my first money out of blogging. Not that I’m in it for that or I would have started advertising long ago. Half the information telling me if people are reading was turned off in the first few months of starting up. It became depressing. Only one company ever offered me an affiliate link and that was Survival Supplies Australia. I should really go back and reconnect with other businesses but I usually purchase most of my gear through SSA.

Being on a disabled pension, I’m trying to live off that, build the remainder of my van, pay for rehab, purchase bushcraft gear and pay for training courses. I’m not one for sitting around.

So I just wanted to say thank-you to Micheal. Dont know a last name, just first name and date of purchase. $11 may not seem like much to some but it made my day. I will be spending that on purchasing an invoice /receipt book in order to claim it HAHAAA.