Bush knives in a 12 inch length have to be one of the most neglected blades in the production knife industry.They bridge the gap between hatchet, machete and a smaller knife. They can be used to cut down a larger diameter tree or for finer tasks. The closest production blades on the market at the moment are the Extrema Ratio Mato Groso and the Condor Bushcraft Parang.
I was listening to Joe Flowers from Bushcraft Global and designer for Condor Knife and Tool who was saying they are starting to issue smaller machetes on their training courses because they were much easier to control for beginners. Nicole Alpelian also used a modified kukri design on The Alone Series.
I became interested in this length blade for training in martial arts mainly Kali and after watching Bolo work with Atienza Kali. I have emailed Esse several times asking if they have ever considered doing a Junglas 3 in a 12 inch model.
I find this length much more controllable than a longer machete and more adaptable than a 10 inch Golok. The blade i own and tend to use the most is a Crowner. Im not sure it ever had a name. They were usually made as a kali blade in a 14 inch but i had it shorter version made up for me in 3V steel , must have been over ten years ago. I’m not sure Jeff is even still making knives. However the blade is off set to the grip with a re-curved belly and slight con-vexed grind. A blade of this length is great for survival as-well as SD.

Nicole Alpelian Bush Knife
Joe Flowers Bushcraft Global
Atienza Kali
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