I was watching Dan Becker on Youtube at the same time testing out my MSR Pocket Rocket when a friend arrived for a visit and asked about the MSR, So I decided to write down my thoughts on suggesting products for them.
Firstly what are you interested in. Fuel economy, weight, how fast a stove will boil water, cost of the stove, ignition system, pack-ability, reliability. Im not an ultra light hiker. Id like to have one of these stoves in the car for break downs or for cooking lunch on the side of the road when traveling. Im in the bush I dont care how long a stove takes to boil. If one stove takes 30 seconds longer than another brand I dont care I haven’t owned a watch in 40 years.Im looking for an emergency style stove for a quick meal.

Ive never owned a jet boil (kit) I always wanted a pot I could cook a meal in not just boil water for dehydrated meals. I like that option. I also dont like titanium it heats up too quickly and burns food. Id only use titanium for ultra light hiking and for boiling water only for pre-prepared meals.

The pots I use are a Snow Peak combo set in alloy and Im trying out a Stanley stainless steel pot. At this time I only own the MSR pocket Rocket after many hours of researching on youtube (check out paleo hiker md) but Im looking for a second stove to keep in my car permanently. The Jet boil mighty Mo is the direct competitor to the MSR and sells at the same price. However for a car stove how can you beat $30 for a 360 degrees fumo. The fumo would be a good starting point for anyone not sure or has never used a butane stove. However Ill still end up with a jet boil mighty mo just to see if I like it more than a msr pocket rocket.
The stoves I would suggest
jet boil mighty mo $99
360 degrees fumo $30
msr pocket rocket 2 $99
Comparison Stoves
There is only one store Ive found that sells the Soto brand in Australia. I haven’t had much to do with them and are only here as an option. The Jet boil stash, Im not paying anything over $100 for a stove. The only time Id look at this stove is if I was into ultra hiking which Im not. Couldnt find a Snow Peak Giga Power any where. The Msr Reactor for over $500 I think id break it in a day.
Soto amicus $80
soto windmaster $110
msr reactor $520
jet boil stash $229
Snow peak giga power N/A
Stoves where to purchase
Soto stoves
snow peak trek combo
sea to summit alpha spoon
Gosamer Gear bamboo spoon
Holy Grail of camp cook kits
jet boil mighty mo
360 fumo
msr reactor
ditching the jet boil
Paleo Hiker MD for every stove comparrision
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