Just a quick comparison and initial opinion of the newly arrived Council Tool Camp Carver 16″ in 5160 steel. I would have preferred the 22 inch version with a straight handle that uses the same head weight however I’m told that’s a 12 month wait time. So I decided to purchase the 16 inch version and obtain the longer handle separately. At first glance I think I made the right decision when comparing the balance of the Gransfors Bruks to the Council Tool The Camp Carver head is much heavier.

The grip on the Camp Carver is much thinner than the hunters Axe. I like the way Council Tool have done the poll. The length of the handle is 15.5 inches compared to the hunters at 18.5″. As a belt axe I’m sticking with my Gransfors however with the longer handle I think that the Camp Carver with make a great pack axe. Which is what I have been looking for.

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