Recently I stopped carrying items either on my belt, because of the sports seats in my Raptor the items would dig into my side. Or in my pockets due to the bulk and weight. My pants kept falling down. I was determined that anything I had in storage that I couldn’t incorporate into my system of carry for all my packs would be either sold or given away. So I started using my Versipack more and it became a habit to grab it every time I went out and I only carry the minimal of gear in it to keep down weight and what I have found I use all the time.
Maxpedition Gear Octa Versipack
Bic Lighter
Gerber Multi tool
Spare Reading Glasses
Torniquet – RATS
Wallet – Maxpedition Gear Spartan
Spare charging cable
Tactical Pen
Knife Benchmade SOCP “There may be cake and for special meat cutting tasks” Coch
Spare Handcuff key
Pry bar

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