“Guerrilla gardening is the act of gardening – raising food, plants, or flowers – on land that the gardeners do not have the legal rights to cultivate, such as abandoned sites, areas that are not being cared for, or private property. It encompasses a diverse range of people and motivations, ranging from gardeners who spill over their legal boundaries to gardeners with a political purpose, who seek to provoke change by using guerrilla gardening as a form of protest or direct action. “

I was watching Survival Lilly dis-morning.Link below that was shedding light on what was occurring in Europe. Such as Britain making backyard gardeners register chickens, organic farms having accidents and being shut down etc. She suggested starting Guerilla Gardens to combat backyards being forced to shut down. With news headlines quoting that backyard gardeners create more carbon that big businesses.

I had tried this many years ago with varying degrees of success. I was in a mobility scooter on oxygen scooting around seed bombing different areas to see if it would work. The places that weren’t spayed by the local councils did in fact thrive.

“Who controls the food controls the people” Henry Kissenger 1974


Maybe its about time we all looked at Guerilla Gardening as a way of food security for the future.


