Taught by Australian Special Forces veterans, this course will give you the essential tools to expand your horizons and come back safe. Land Navigation Fundamentals is a two-day course packed with information and activities, including practical application of learned skills through navigation exercises. With no prerequisite level of fitness or experience needed, the course is suited to anyone interested in learning about or improving their skill in land navigation. Don’t be dissuaded if you already have navigation experience, as the small group format means the content can be tailored to you. Numbers are strictly limited to a maximum of 6 people*, so book now!
Land Navigation Fundamentals runs from approximately 8am to 6pm on a Saturday and 6am to 8pm on a Sunday (inclusive of breaks), with the general plan for each day as follows:
Day 1 – Navigation Essentials
We cover the fundamentals of navigation theory in the morning, followed by static navigation in the afternoon. Theory topics include:
Map reading
Bearings/back bearings
Grid-to-magnetic bearing conversions
Measuring distance
Route planning and the nav’ data sheet
Static navigation topics include:
Shooting bearings
Relating the map to the ground
Day 2 – Applied Fundamentals
The second day mainly involves navigating from point to point, to consolidate the learning of the previous day. This begins with route planning, covering topics including:
Map appreciation
Plotting navigation routes
Filling a nav’ data sheet
The active navigation exercises that follow include cross-country navigation and applying tips and tricks such as ‘aiming off’.
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