Other than going to doctors appointments, between bad weather and the leg brace Ive been stuck in my caravan. I wake up first thing. Take the dog for a walk (or should I say hobble)and see how many caravan sites I can make it around. Then start on doing push ups off the counter top, dips and leg raise.. Building up reps every day.No way Id make it back up off the ground. Ive lost 12 kilo. I phoned my Systema instructor for some advice of exercises and breathing. I hadnt realized I had never told him I was still using a walking frame when I had first started training with him. I was feeling like i had gone back to square one. He said I was the most resilient person he had ever met. I think I needed to hear something like that. Pushing myself more today after that conversation.
Going to make a point of watching the sunrise every morning. Ive been neglecting this.

There was loud music cranked up till 9pm I drifted off to sleep shortly afterword. Found the below youtube clip just before nodding off. I was determined to watch it dis-morning. Im glad I returned to watching it. When your stuck inside all day, something like this reminds you what your missing and stops you from thinking about the pain and the meds. Hope it does the same for someone else.
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