I was watching the above video by Survival Dispatch. It must be an American thing to only carry a poncho for shelter. Where in Australia we have hootchies to use as shelters and the poncho to wear in the rain while setting up a tarp. i really wanted to post a hootchie to SD. However it got me thinking about minimalist carry gear for hiking to keep the weight as light as possible especially with injuries. I always try and keep a poncho packed. One takeaway from the above video was to always keep loops tied into the corners in case of needing a tarp set up to save time in the rain tying loops. Being a knot fanatic I found the below two knots Ill be testing out as poncho loop corner knots. One to attach to the eyelet and the other to form a small loop for tent stakes. The larger loops Ive seen on ponchos seem to be snag catchers.

The Loop

The eyelet knot

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