I don’t like the term BUG OUT BAG! It gives the impression that you can head off into the woods and survive with very little else. Three Days being the standard time frame, hence the 72 hour bag. In my opinion if you rely on a bug out bag you will eventually become a refugee.
If one of many scenarios happens, the so called bug out bag should be part of your PACE, (Primary, Alternate, Contingency and Emergency), plan. Not the whole plan.
I prefer the term sustainment bag, either a 3 day or a 10 day, for example. Even though the same equipment is in both bags ; medical, shelter, cutting tools, food, hydration, lighting, combustion, navigation, self defense, cooking etc. The term sustainment has a more realistic overview of its capabilities, just with a different methodology behind it.
A get home bag for in a vehicle I can understand, an emergency bag I can understand. However bugging out requires some where to go to. Most people don’t have that option. INCH bags, there’s no way to live out of it for extended periods. I mean atleast three months unless your in the perfect area for game and edible native foods and the ability to hunt and identify plants.
In reality it takes months to start a garden and requiring food to keep you fueled while building a shelter.
Having a small pack with three days of food and tools to support yourself and to throw into your vehicle when traveling off the beaten track will sustain you until the food and water runs out. The same with a larger backpack with ten days of food. Both of which I keep working on building with constant updates to equipment. However they are the E in my PACE plan not the primary action to rely upon..
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