I have owned two Cold Steel Frontier Tomahawks , when I first had my back operations I incorporated them into my rehab. I threw those things all day every day in an effort to move. It made me walk backwards and forwards to the target. I threw those hawks until there wasn’t much left of them. I ended up giving them to a mate that wanted to learn to throw knives.

I have been looking at th CRKT Woods Chogan as a replacement but hadn’t found an excuse to purchase however today I stumbled across an article on the Bushcraft USA Forum on modding a Cold Steel Trail Hawk which got me thinking it was a good excuse to get back into throwing with my leg banged up, for the exercise.
The article below goes on to quote a few modifications. Namely to flatten the top at 90 degrees from the eye to the toe for scraping and also doing the same along the beard to the heel. They also added a notch for scrapping ferro rods, along with removing the paint to add a patina. I also thought I might dress up the handle, along with a re-oil.
(Yes I know the irony, referring to the last article on 90 degree spines, but I get bored and it looks like a fun project.)

When I looked up the Chogan I realized CRKT have brought out a new model called a Chogan Hammer, which I thought I could do the same mods to. The Woods Chogan sells for $115 AUD while the Cold Steel trail Hawk sells for around the $75 price tag. It looks like no one currently has the Chogan Hammer on their books. A quick phone call to Survival Supplies Australia said that the Hammer would be approximately the same pricing as the Woods Chogan.
I’m leaning towards another Trail Hawk. I can afford two of these and used to have a heavily modified version by Vector Hawks.

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