I managed 15 kms yesterday and didn’t pull up very well. The legs seized up on me later in the day I had trouble getting in and out of the car. I did 25 kms today, so I’m not looking forward to a few hours time. I found another track the day before I really wanted to check out and the weather was too nice to turn back when I should have.

I started chatting to another cyclist and found another way to where the tracks meet up on either side of the river. Ive gone from doing one side of the river and having to use the electric motor to make it home to minimally using the motor for a boost for the knee and now doing a complete circuit of both sides .

That track has shown me where to get better pictures of the Grey Headed Fruit Bats. I thought I must have been loosing my touch. I wasn’t looking out for spots to stealth camp. I found some really pretty spots.