Warfare State

I wanted to show how many politicians can raise 800 billion dollars for warfare but cant do that to fix their medical systems or build housing for homeless people. That’s because most of that 800 billion will be laundered off and never see the military..The loudest talkers are usually the most corrupt.

Speech by AAYAN HIRSI ALI at the ARC Conference

We must be careful of the tendency of government to always want to make itself bigger and bigger, passing more and more laws, and taking more and more power from the people. That’s one of the messages from an inspiring speech by Former Dutch MP, FMG Survivor, and Activist Against Islamism, AAYAN HIRSI ALI at the ARC Conference in London last week.

I’m not a Christian and not a believer in religion but still believe in having a morality and core values or society collapses.

War Makes Money

Its not about peace or war or freedom. its about how much money can be laundered.

800 billion ? They’ve been relying on the US for defense. Where did all this cash come from all of a sudden since most of the countries are about to collapse financially .War is profit and the elites like laundering their cash through it. They cannot afford to have a war stop. it looks like they want to start another , they dont care with whom!

Its interesting to see the UK point of view, how far off is Australia from this due to woke policy’s.

Less Sh*t Options

How they RATFUKED the electoral ACT.

Foreign Owned

13% of Agricultural land
11% of water
76% of liquid gas
80% of the mining sector
49% Electricy
80% of the big four banks
88% Woolworths
56% Coles
51% Telstra
61% Quantas

WA Gun Confiscation

“Gun buy backs! You cant buy back something you don’t own.”

How Government corruption works in Western Australia. It also costs massive amounts to ship firearms from WA to other states having to use a high security courier. The only way is to drive across the border to sell your firearms interstate. We need to stop this. If it happens in one state then it can happen in others.

I believe that if the police start seizing firearms from peoples homes then this is an argument for the abolishment of firearm registration in this country.

The funny thing is every time some dumbarse politician brings in laws like this to get votes they disrupt the way things work. Customs only search 10% of shipping containers coming into this country. Billions of dollars of drugs come in every day. Illegal Tobacco is a 5 billion dollar trade. If all guns are banned the black market will thrive..Criminals aren’t being targeted by these laws.

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