Month: October 2024

Clinch Tieout

Great idea for tarp corners with eyelets. Clinch tie out for tarp corners.

Another option would be to feed the double stopper knot through the eyelet and then create a marlin spike hitch in the mainline and instead of using a toggle , feed the stopper knot through to complete the hitch.

The Two Party System

I removed many of the political posts on this site as well as many of the knife posts with the way the world and this country in particular is going but I wanted to re-post a segment how a two Party System worked as many western countries have this. Many people I have spoken to in the last week knew nothing of the Misinformation laws currently being sat on in Parliament. Ignorance is big business and business is good and relied upon by the establishment.

“The two party system exists all across the west. It is designed to provide the masses with the illusion of choice and quell dissent. If you think about the two party system as the left hand and right hand of the establishment. One of those hands create a problem intentionally and the opposing hand comes in and offers the solution. However the solution was always the goal of what the establishment wanted. It is sold as a solution to a problem created by the other side, so it creates the illusion that the opposing side solved a problem but in reality the problem was manufactured by one side and solution was offered by the other hand.”

How to recognise propaganda

1) When given a problem, fear rather than reason is used to present the solution.

2) When you’re pressured into accepting the solution.

3) When youre not allowed to question the solution.

4) When the solution involves surrendering your freedoms.

5) When your eyes see when thing, but your compelled to believe a different thing.

6) When the solution means giving small groups of people control over larger and larger things.

7) When dissenters are censored for refusing to accept the solution.

3 Pillars For The Total Control Of Society

The compliance process of the ministry of truth. A cashless society, central bank digital currency, information control.

Owl Watching

I was pulled up at one of my favorite camping spots waiting for a mate when I noticed a guy with a rather large camera taking pictures of something in a tree. I wandered over to have a chat and discovered he was taking pictures of a Tawny Frog-mouth.Right where I like to camp. Rodney I discovered was third or fourth in line on the Australian bird checklist for Ornithology. He had spent a year putting everything into checking off this list as we chatted about building campers.

A bird had been waking me up for months at 2am to 3am and I picked his brains as to what it might be. It turned out to be a Southern Boo Book Owl. I took him to the park and we spent a time scouting the area. I really need to get my thermal monocular up and working and when I hear it again get out of bed and go for a wander now the weather is getting better.

Tawny Frogmouth


Tawnys have had two owlets

Sick Of Being Sick

Ive been neglecting my daily walks. Its taken months to rebuild the muscle in my knee after the last hospital stay. Back up to 75 kilo leg press but still a long way from the 100 kilo I was managing before loosing all the weight. This is the first day I wasn’t hobbling around in two years and decided to try a walk along the beach instead of the bike at the gym. My stride gradually became shorter and shorter. Ill be limping the rest of the day. Atleast the hard packed sand is better to walk on than the concrete.
Had a good day at the gym the day before. 20 mins on the bike followed by leg day. The good feeling soon evaporated after trying to do housework later in the afternoon. Got a little done but tweaked my shoulder and spent the rest of the night in pain from every small movement.
A friend coined the term “being sick of being sick”. I’m at the point now, well atleast sick of dealing with doctors. I wanted to bail on everything and head back interstate. The walk along the beach changed my attitude. Well calmed me down. I think every government department Ive dealt with in the past 25 years has either been completely corrupt, absolutely incompetent or useless revolving around their own employment rather than actually doing their jobs. Still no NDIS support.
I want to get back to doing my training courses. I’m going stir crazy in this state. There’s not much in the way of bush. The last year seems to be have been nothing but rehab. I’m not achieving anything.
Managed a few nice pictures of the morning.

20 Second Ridgeline

I have now been taught or shown a few ways to develop a ridgeline. I haven’t been a fan of using hardware, preferring knots in bushcraft. I always use a Siberian Hitch on the first end.

Ive gone from wrapping the rope around a tree then around the main line and back around a tree. it works but I cant get enough tension with damage to my hands. This way seems the fastest truckers variation i have seen.

Infantry / Bushcraft Field Cooking Equipment

brew kit, spork, hexamine stove, still needs a Bic Lighter, condensed milk and cuppa soups.

I’m starting to put together a much more streamlined version of my cook kit based on recommendations from Echo Mike.

I like the versatility of the British Army mess kit. From cooking to using as a wash basin. I had to use the alloy version for this set up. The hexamine stove wont fit sideways in my Dutch Stainless Steel version.

I was using a light my fire meal kit but have started to prefer the traditional army kit for the versatility of being able to also cook in the mess kit, use as a wash basin and a sink

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