Its not just every others countries government. Its all of them and its been going on for hundreds of years
When pilots are forced to the ground so politicians can fly in for photo opportunities and aid seized by officials. FEMA are solvent due to politicians taking funds for border crosser’s leaving no funds. Biden not even knowing what storm they are talking about. I can see this happening in Australia. Aid being stopped to force people off land for lithium deposits. Can you see the relation ship between this and native land titles in Australia. There is no better example as to why people should prep. Not for nuclear war or global pandemic. Only for NO ONE IS COMING TO HELP YOU. Examples of why they want to shut down the internet and control the narrative.
I have now been taught or shown a few ways to develop a ridgeline. I haven’t been a fan of using hardware, preferring knots in bushcraft. I always use a Siberian Hitch on the first end.
Ive gone from wrapping the rope around a tree then around the main line and back around a tree. it works but I cant get enough tension with damage to my hands. This way seems the fastest truckers variation i have seen.
I’m starting to put together a much more streamlined version of my cook kit based on recommendations from Echo Mike.
I like the versatility of the British Army mess kit. From cooking to using as a wash basin. I had to use the alloy version for this set up. The hexamine stove wont fit sideways in my Dutch Stainless Steel version.
I was using a light my fire meal kit but have started to prefer the traditional army kit for the versatility of being able to also cook in the mess kit, use as a wash basin and a sink
I was watching Jason Salyer On Three, discussing swapping out his multi tool and folders for a small fixed blade. My multi tools have also become too heavy to keep in my pocket. Preferring to keep them in my vehicle and backpack. My SAK’s have also gone the same way. I like having them in packs for backups but rarely ever carry them now. I generally use a heavy folder, however Jason got me thinking of a small fixed blade.
I came up with three choices ;
First the Busse Game Warden 3 inch. Being quite hard to come by now. I have owned two of these and liked the design. One was a necker, the other a fat version almost a centimeter thick. Im looking for a 1/8th or 3/16th spine.
Second a Winkler SD2 which I’m favoring due to having a pointy tip. However a drop point in that size is less tactical looking for use in a cross-draw sheath.
Thirdly a Reiff Knives F3 in magnacut.
The Busse will take some time to track down being my first choice. I know what they feel like in the hand. I have owned very few Winklers so I am tempted from that perspective. The Reiff being the easiest to order within Australia.
Looking up the current line up from Winkler knives I came across a Lost lakes Camp knife being an almost 7 inch throw back to his forging days.
Not for a EDC but I like my large blades.
The compliance process for the ministry of truth. A cashless society, central bank digital currency and information control.
How to recognize propaganda
1) When given a problem, fear rather than reason is used to present the solution.
2) When you’re pressured into accepting the solution.
3) When you’re not allowed to question the solution.
4) When the solution involves surrendering your freedoms.
5) When your eyes see when thing, but your compelled to believe a different thing.
6) When the solution means giving small groups of people control over larger and larger things.
7) When dissenters are censored for refusing to accept the solution.
The two party system exists all across the west. It is designed to provide the masses with the illusion of choice and quell dissent. If you think about the two party system as the left hand and right hand of the establishment. One of those hands create a problem intentionally and the opposing hand comes in and offers the solution. However the solution was always the goal of what the establishment wanted. It is sold as a solution to a problem created by the other side, so it creates the illusion that the opposing side solved a problem but in reality the problem was manufactured by one side and solution was offered by the other hand.
Keep calm its a crime syndicate not a government!
Tacitus – “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”
Ive been working on ideas to have an EDC within your wallet to include alternative ways to start a fire , to cut, open locks, tinder, lighting, E&E etc. Pictures forthcoming.
Wazoo Firecard
Fresnel Lense
Toollogic Tool Card
Grim Cards
Knife Card–Credit-Card-Knives–261
Ferro Rod Key Ring
Mini Pry Bars
Card Power Bank Charger
Wallet Tracker
This is my grail knife. Finally someone bringing them into the country.
I was actually looking to purchase a ZT 0006 when I stumbled upon the Spartan Harsey. The grip feels very heavy for a fighter. I may have to take off the scales and see if there are any lightning holes.
My next purchase a ZT 0006 however Ill have to modify the pommel to either a glass breaker or fill it in. I don’t like the screw on butt cap.
The ZT 0006 compared to the F6
The F6 in Magnacut arrived. Really looking forward to testing this one out. Below pics comparing other knives for sizing.