The Authoritarian Playbook

According to these leading scholars of democracy, aspiring modern authoritarians tend to employ the same seven basic tactics in the pursuit of power.

Politicizing Independent Institutions — All democracies have functions that operate independently from partisan political actors, from law enforcement to central banking. Authoritarians attack and seek to capture those institutions. Politicizing Independent Institutions

Spreading Disinformation — Many politicians lie, but authoritarians propagate and amplify falsehoods deliberately and with abandon and ruthless efficiency. Spreading Disinformation

Aggrandizing Executive Power — Authoritarian projects cannot succeed without the cooperation or acquiescence of legislatures, courts, and other institutions. Aggrandizing Executive Power

Quashing Dissent — Strong democracies have strong oppositions and an independent press. Authoritarians seek to silence those sources of dissent. Quashing Dissent

Scapegoating Vulnerable Communities — Many authoritarians attack vulnerable groups intentionally, sowing division and attempting to turn the many against the few. Scapegoating Vulnerable Communities

Corrupting Elections — 21st-century authoritarians generally maintain the facade of elections while tilting the rules against their opponents, suppressing votes, and biasing or even overturning the results. Corrupting Elections

Stoking Violence — Most autocrats deliberately look the other way from political violence. Many actively inflame violence to stoke fear, division, and feelings of insecurity.

Have Albanazi and Peter Dumpster been reading The authoritarian Playbook ?

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”.

Hurty Feelings Or Aussie Gulag

Joy riders egging rando people on the road have now been used as an excuse for new hate speech laws by the Federal Government within Australia. 7 years in prison if you give anyone hurty feelings for your political thoughts. So Im f#$ked because I hate the government or more precisely useless government departments that dont do their jobs and corrupt politicians that have absolutely no sense at all what is going on .in the country !

The Elites in Canberra are now following the way of Canada and Britain following the WHO and WEF 2030 agendas. Well I shouldn’t say now following, I should say are now not bothering to hide it anymore..

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