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We need to change the voting system and become a republic. Have an Australian constitution written by the people for the people unlike a current constitution that is written by the government for the government providing them with powers to control us.
They not only SUCK they SWALLOW. Although I bet Albanazi is a spitter.
The Department of Chaos or How Government Policies are really made !
Ive worked for enough government departments to know they sit at their desk for 6 months playing with youtube or games then have to come up with something quick to verify their own jobs and this is passed on up the line because all the bosses have don the same thing. It doesn’t matter if any of it makes sense as long as it looks like they have been working.
Im beginning to think that when the leaders of western countries get together to have meetings they join together in saying how to limit guns. Whats happening in WA is also happening in South Africa.
“First we overlook evil.Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil.Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those that who still call it evil.”
FR Dwight Longenecker.
What it means to live in Australia now.
Finally someone says it out loud. Australia has been in a recession for the past 7 quarters and the GDP being artificially inflated by mass immigration.
Has the Australian Government, for that matter the English and Canadian governments broken the social contract. This seems a trend since 2019. If nothing else proves this point it has been the COVID lock-downs.
I was asked the other day why people no longer trust the government. I wasn’t of much use answering that question and its bothered me ever since so I’m starting this post where I’ll be adding video now and again to try and answer that question.
Why people no longer trust the Police, Media or Government ?
Disabled friends I have no longer open the doors to police doing safety checks.
Trust in the media doctoring evidence.
Trust in local government. There”s two rangers where I live that use their positions to harass the homeless.
Broken promises. Hey, they sacked how many nurses when they refused to get their COVID shots.
Buys a 4million dollar house in the middle of a housing crisis.That’s a boy lead by example.
Brings in laws for no other reason than promote control.
The Australian Electoral Commissioner, Tom Rogers, has revealed to Senate Estimates that the cost of Anthony Albanese’s failed Referendum is in the order of the $522 million spent on holding the 2022 Federal Election.
“The Prime Minister continued with the failed Referendum, dividing the nation, and torching more than $500 million dollars in the process.
The Albanese Labor Government continues to waste taxpayers’ money, with revelations made during a Senate Estimates hearing that Services Australia is spending $620,000 over two years to fund a personal speechwriter for Government Services Minister Bill Shorten.
How many houses could all that wastage been used to build !
Housing crisis.
Digital ID
New Laws for vehicles
Banks laundering money
1200 major bushiness don’t pay any tax
“The Government cant buy back my guns. They failed the background check.”
The police are not there to protect you. Not many people understand this unless they have ever had to call them in an emergency. In Australia we do not have the right to protect ourselves in any way shape or form.
I have had my firearms license longer than my drivers license and have been a shooter since I was 14. I have also carried a firearm for work, putting through 200 rounds a week to maintain my skill level for the type of employment I had.
I have seen police shoot at my old clubs and do not trust having them in the same competition squad. Not only from a skill level but also a safety issue.
Should Aussies be armed ? I think they should have the right to be armed ! However after being a member of 5 gun clubs, I wouldn’t trust half of those people to carry a firearm on the street. Club training isn’t enough especially for the members that only turn up 6 times a year to keep their license. However its still better that what the police receive. To carry a firearm in this country they would have to develop better training. The other problem would be mindset. Most people just aren’t capable of pulling the trigger on another person and the firearm could be taken from them.
If I had the choice Id carry a firearm 24/7 but at the same time when Ive found myself in those situations where Ive been threatened a baseball bat usually was a sufficient deterrent. Just make sure there’s a ball and glove stored with the bat. It comes down to intent in this country.
The last house I lived in there were multiple arson attacks on houses in the area all drug related. Several stabbings, including one over $10 owed and the person stabbed was mistaken for the person owing the money. I had a pool of blood by my front gate the size of a kitchen table one morning. I had over 10 neighbors involved in domestic violence. The police received 200 calls for assistance their response. “Ill put it in a report”. If you put in a complaint about police conduct you are then targeted and harassed for two years. I now feel a level of disgust for pigs that out ways that of pedos and crackheads and firmly believe that most police should not be armed with a firearm. After the 2019 COVID riots and the VIC police using rubber bullets from automatic rifles meant for military use. The same rules apply for them. The government say the public should have access to firearms used by the military then neither should the police.
I had a short interview with the Insight program . They were interested in why people no longer trusted the government. I don’t think I was of much help. I had also removed all of the political posts on this site wanting to get back to bushcraft. I found the trash button today and reinstalled all of them. After two weeks of dealing should we say, with incompetent government bureaucracy. Trying to get a house and NDIS support. I’m actually thinking of starting up another website devoted to exposing Government, whats the word I’m looking for Government retardation would be the best example.
This weeks BS:
Dealing with doctors that don’t know how to fill out NDIS forms. I could have been getting support 6 years ago. This is how long Ive been fighting for.
I found out the hospital I have to use has ramped patients for the past 7 years. 15 ambulances were lined up with me in the back of one for 5 hours on oxygen. Ramping in 2018 was 750 hours to 2712 hours in 2022.Corporate liquidates were appointed to slash hundreds of millions of dollars to the medical system.
Social workers that have no idea.
Writing to Ministers. The ones I wrote to seem to be actually trying to fix things but are held up with federal funding. Seems Albanazi is using all the money on hurty feeling projects that have been taken from the medical system.
List of Channels exposing Australian Corporate, Government and Police corruption
(The last one is a bonus British channel showing an alternative view point of what is going to eventually happen in Australia.)
“The criminal class are no threat to the authoritarian state whilst a disenfranchised citizenry is a threat to the authoritarian state.”
We don’t have a justice system with have a legal system! A great explanation of our current level of breakage in the system of this country.