Its been quite an interesting week. The 1984 endgame is finally approaching. However its not exactly happening as they hoped. The US tariffs are causing more disruption than anticipated with probably now former allies . Canada can cut off major sources of power supplies to the US. Many countries economies are on the verge of collapsing. OPEC can increase oil supplies dropping the price of oil to below $40 a barrel making it a non profit situation for the US to keep pumping oil from their own wells. Stop oil transport from through the Indian Ocean to China and they also crash. You don’t need missiles anymore trade routes are the weapon.The Tik Tok ban seems to be more as a way of controlling free information than to stop information going to China since every major social media company has been selling their information for years. Are there any politicians that aren’t corrupt? The answer is NO. They are all involved in this WEF/WHO purge. What will be the next manufactured crisis to invoke a tipping point. Hyperinflation seems inevitable.
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