I must have redesigned this fire lighting pouch several times now. In an attempt to get it to the stage of being the most practical for the way I use it. I still swap items in and out depending on what Id like to practice for the day in terms of flint and steel or man made tinder’s. The core elements remain the same. I don’t like having items in my pockets. If I’m going to carry a SAK Id also place this on my belt in another pouch.

have finally attached the ferro rod to the pouch instead of a belt or pants loop.
combined items
two types of cordage. Left 30 feet of number 56 bankline and Right 2 meters of lawn mower starter cord
replaced the tobacco tin with an Altoids to decrease size.
still deciding on which bearing block to carry.


Princeton tec Headlamp

2 types of cordage. The 30 feet of number 36 bankline is disposable line the other 2 meters of lawn mower starter cord is for utilizing in a firebow. (better grip, than paracord.)

Bearing blocks for firebow

Exotac Candle

Fallkniven DC4 Sharpener

Trekker Butane lighter. Id rather one of these to a BIC, however I always have a BIC in my pocket.

In the Altoids tin:

Sewing needle

Wazzoo fire card

Fresnel lens

magnesium rod

bees wax firestarters

Uberleben tinder wick

Im amazed I could fit many of the items in an Altoids tin. The char cloth is for the Fresnel lens. I came to the conclusion I only needed the minimal amount of man made tinders for emergencies. I prefer using natural tinders. I still have to dig out a ranger band to place around the tin, the only disadvantage of not using a tobacco tin.