I’m always on the look out for alternative fishing methods and have liked the idea of hobo hand lines however I keep missing out on the timber models for sale on etsy. I have made the versions out of PVC pipe just to spend the weekend doing a project but have decided to get a little serious about my fishing. I have tried the Yoyito and like it but have replaced the line with an old fly line to make it easier on the hands. Id also like to try the Exotac version. Today I came across a company that just makes and sells hobo hand lines called Dagger Fish on the of all things called the Hobo Handliner Channel. These are more traditional in nature compared to the other brands mentioned.
Ive liked carrying a hand line with me when working in bush-land settings near streams. Its been a great way to spend a lunch break or waiting for crew to turn up. Between the Daggerfish, Yoyito and Exotac there’s sure to be something to suit a bushcrafter looking for a feed of fish.
Hobo Handliner Channel
Daggerfish channel
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