The killing of the United Health Group CEO Brian Thompson may have been the tip of the ice berg when CEOs of major corporations are making millions but the corporations themselves are slowly killing people. I would prefer people find the investments of elites and boycott them. Hurt them where they feel it in their wallets. However I can see a time where CEOs will be actively hunted. I’m predicting mass riots the way things are headed within Australia.

Coles Group’s CEO is Leah Weckert, appointed in May 2023, has a tenure of 1.67 years. total yearly compensation is A$4.69M, comprised of 42% salary and 58% bonuses, including company stock and options.

Management criteria checks 4/4. Woolworths Group’s CEO is Amanda Bardwell, appointed in Sep 2024, has a tenure of less than a year. total yearly compensation is A$2.32M, comprised of 45% salary and 55% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.003% of the company’s shares, worth A$953.34K.
Homelessness Facts 2023
On any given night, 122,494 people in Australia are experiencing
homelessness (ABS Census 2021).
One in seven people experiencing homelessness are children under 12
(ABS Census 2021).
23 per cent of people experiencing homelessness (almost one in 4) are
children and young people between 12 and 24 (ABS Census 2021).
One in five people experiencing homelessness are Aboriginal and/or
Torres Strait Islander people (ABS Census 2021).
Homelessness is not “rooflessness”. Only 6.2 per cent of people without a
home are sleeping rough. The majority of homelessness is hidden – people
in crisis accommodation, rooming houses, insecure housing,
overcrowded dwellings or couch surfing.

Elites are rorting the system, not just the billionaires but all of them. In a way to establish more and more control. Through the power grid,food prices, housing costs. Prices of food have almost doubled yet the companies are posting profits of a billion dollars.

Corruption at the highest levels.

Can you see the similarities between government policy in Europe and Australia. are they studying from the same handbook. The WEF Handbook ?