This is what I carry in my backpack. I have a .7 AMK for my shoulder bag and a .9 PRO AMK for the car and for major trips I carry a remote/first responder bag in the back of my ute. But for something that is a balance between light weight and large enough to carry enough essentials I use an AMK .9 with a few additional items. When I imported mine from the US, many of the products were removed by customs. They are now sold in Australia but check the items before taking away. Items such as the syringe and medications were often removed. Medications in the original packaging also used the American names for panadiene (acetaminophen)etc. So be familiar with those before opening the pack to use in an emergency and find yourve got no idea what anything is, or change the contents as I have on newer products.
Ive found on many courses the instructors have first aid kits but are not allowed by law to administer drugs, that means no antihistamines or pain killers. This is something to be aware of, just because a kit is sitting on a table doesnt mean that you can have access to many of the items. Therefore its worth having your own.

Listed contents (Adventure Medical Kits .9 );
Bandage Materials
5 – Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, 1″ x 3″
3 – Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Knuckle
1 – Bandage, Conforming Gauze, 3″
2 – Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 2″ x 2″, Pkg./2
3 – Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 3″ x 3″, Pkg./2
2 – Dressing, Non-Adherent, Sterile, 3″ x 4″
1 – Gloves, Nitrile (Pair), Hand Wipe (Ive removed the originals and replaced with Heavy duty tactical versions x2, these are more stick resistant)
1 – Trauma Pad, 5″ x 9″
Blister / Burn
2 – Moleskin, Pre-Cut & Shaped (11 pieces)
Duct Tape
1 – Duct Tape, 2″ x 50″
Fracture / Sprain
1 – Bandage, Elastic with Velcro, 2″
3 – Safety Pins
1 – Splinter Picker/Tick Remover Forceps
Medication (all of these were removed see lists below for replacements)
2 – After Bite Wipe
2 – Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25 mg)
2 – Aspirin (325 mg), Pkg./2 (Ive removed asprin altogether)
2 – Ibuprofen (200 mg), Pkg./2
2 – Acetaminophen (500 mg), Pkg./2
Wound Care
6 – Antiseptic Wipe
2 – Alcohol Swab
1 – Cotton Tip Applicator, Pkg./2
1 – Syringe, Irrigation, 10 cc, 18 Gauge Tip (removed but replaced with a 10ml .the smaller 10ml is better than a larger syringes to have more pressure when flushing eyes or wounds)
1 – Tape, 1″ x 10 Yards
1 – Skin Tacâ„¢ Topical Adhesive, Wipe
3 – Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Single Use ( a prescription is required in Australia for this product)
1 – Wound Closure Strips, 1/4″ x 4″, Pkg./10
I add extra steristrips, and another pair of nitrile gloves. A Trianular bandage, quickclot and a flat CPR mask. I usualy have a RATS Tourniquet handy aswell for arterial wounds and Snake bite bandage (See Below).10ml irrigation syringe,saline for eye and wound flushing. Super glue in miny squeeze tubes for wound closure. This is also a good place to store a mini sewing repair kit and mini roll of duct tape.
Medications I have are; antihistamines ( for allergies), Imodium (for diahrea), hydrolyte sachets (dehydration), ibuprofen (antiinflamatory), panadole 500mg (pain relief), aloe vera Gel (for burns). Sting-goes gel (for bites).
Ill mention antiseptic cream separately. Betadiene antiseptic, there are once ain two types ointment and cream. One is thicker than the other but the ointment has 10% betadiene as opposed to the cream having 5% concentration. This is the strongest I could purchase without a prescription. If i can find a small enough tube I will swap this out for tea tree ointment.
Snake bite bandages. These have come a long way in the last few years. Before a snake bite kit consisted of three bandages, a pen, splints etc costing up to $80 for a brand name, the pouch costing more than the contents. The newer version of the bandages are now 10meters long so you only need one bandage and not three. I would recommend you buying one of these apart from ease of only having one bandage costing $8 they have a rectangle shape printed on them hich turns to a square when the appropriate tension is reached, making it far easier to apply in a hurry. If yourve ever had a limb bandaged then you cant move it anyway, especially with 10 meters winding up and down. Always start a the base of the limb working your way up to the joint to immobilize the limb.
I should point out I am not a health care professional. Many years ago I was responding to emergencies and involved with search and rescue also being involved in the security industry, along with having to re-certify every few years with work place safety in aboriculture (Tree Surgery). I am writing this to give others ideas, not to tell anyone how to pack their kits. This is my hobby page nothing more. After 19 years on disability all my accreditation had run out and I am taking a lesson from my second martial art instructor. He had the entire class take a CPR training course. He was quite a joker and he was telling us a story where we were all about to laugh and it turned out that his child had drowned and no one had known CPR. This was his lesson to us to always be certified.
I have re-certified in my first Aid certificate, CPR and Remote First Aid last year and this year aiming for a four day course in Wilderness Medicine and then Tactical Medicine and a 7 day Expedition Medicine level qualifications next year.
Bleed Out Kit
The above BOO-BOO kit will treat most minor injuries but wont deal with a major bleed such as putting an axe though ones foot or a femoral bleed from a knife slip. I therefore carry the first aid kit in my backpack and a bleed out kit in my haversack to always have near me. This consists of an OLEAS pressure bandage, (similar to an Israeli bandage), nitrile gloves, A Soft-T wide tourniquet and a snake bite bandage, where everything is handy to stop a major bleed or bite. I like the soft-T wide for legs to provide greater surface area. I also carry a RATS Tourniquet in my pocket at all times. From a Military perspective, Four Limbs should equal four Tourniquets. Two is plenty for bushcraft I believe like the RATS as its easy to carry in a pocket and also good for children and arms. If the haversack is out of arms reach a tourniquet is on me at all times. I don’t carry a complete IFAK for bushcraft. There aren’t many injuries Id be expecting in the bush that would involve chest seals. A nasal esophageal tube may come in handy to keep airways open from an bite causing anaphylaxes shock but once again I wont carry one until I’ve fully re-qualified.
There are several other items worth adding. The first is glucose gel for diabetics in case of a hypo (Sugar low). The second is epinephrine for Anaphylaxis to treat severe allergic response, however this is very expensive even with a prescription. And the third item is a Wart remover with a non chemical base which freezes. For the removal of Ticks. Tick- Tox is the brand name designed specifically for tick removal.
So far this is what Ive been working on. However Im considering turning it into a Wilderness Medical kit based on the .9 Pro kit and making extra room in my pack..
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