What I like to keep in my belt mounted Possibles Bag. I change around my belt system and belt pouch quite a lot to suit what Im doing but Im gradually settling down on what I carry consistently. Mainly fire starting and cordage articles.
1) Starting with an old tobacco tin for making char cloth. Within this I have a small bag of premade char cloth and several bees wax based fire tinders.
2) A Fallkniven DC4 sharpening stone.
3) An Exotac 4 hour Nano Candle.
4) 20 meters of size 36 Bankline.
5) 2 meters of 3.5mm lawn mower starter cord to firebows. Has more grip than paracord.
6) Trekker Butane Lighter. This is more wind proof and lasts longer than normal Bic lighters.
7) Several pieces of flint and a Titanium striker for traditional fire lighting and to have atleast 3 ways to start a fire.
8) A Bearing block made by Beaver Bushcraft
9) A fire Striker also made by Beaver Bushcraft
10) Size 14 Sail Needle as part of my 10cs taped to the lid of the tin.
11) and lastly a Dragons Breath Ferro Rod attached to cordage to go from my belt to pocket.

Fire Buddy Beaver Bushcraft


Fire Striker Beaver Bushcraft




Trekker lighter


sharpening stone


Ferro Rod


Badest bee Fire Fuses


Sail Needle
