There is a range of courses Ive found here some cheap some expensive. Aiming at anything from identification of wild species to growing your own. Depending on how far you want to take things. Id like to become confident enough that I could explain features to someone else and not poison myself. Im also aiming at doing as many in person mushroom tours as possible. Ive tried to base most of them in Australia however some are overseas that Ive found interesting.

One thing I have learnt from foraging . Its fun but not sustainable if you want to live of the wild all the time. Id rather grow the mushrooms I like eating in an easy manner and not have to spend my time walking over kilometers of farm land and then spending more time identifying the species. Im more a grow it yourself and eat them person. But Id never turn down an opportunity to go for a hike in mushroom country.

The other thing is mushrooms have a season. If your not growing them yourself.If a course is under $200 Im likely to do it. There are several below Ive signed up for or will be putting my name down to do. Im doing mushroom exam and am attempting to look at Outdoorcore, and either Milkwood or Little Acre courses are reasonably priced for growing them myself. To take things a step further Im looking at either Permaculture Australia or the Mycologos Basics and Beyond courses.. I might as well take advantage of being in a leg brace and walking frame for 6 weeks and do some training online.
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