I forgot it was a long weekend and headed to the gym first thing to find no one there. I was intending to start my sit spot later in the day. One of those mornings when its cold but you don’t mind it. I think fresh is the description used.
Came home and watched the first video from Nature Philosophy and headed off on the bike to my new sit spot. Since I had spent most of Sunday on pain killers and in bed and had no work out dis-morning decided to go the long way, which I regretted straight away.
More people out than usual being a public holiday. One lady was carrying her dog along the path. You could tell the dog was very old. I started thinking I should have done something like that for my staffy. Not carry her at 30 kilo, but she used to like riding my mobility scooter when I had to use one. I didn’t know these paths exited when she was still with me or I could have rented a scooter to take her on adventures. That was in my head the whole way there and some time after.
I started taking some photos of the area when I had the light and to settle down. It took about 15 minutes for the small scrub wrens and minor birds to make an appearance and dance across the pathway from one side to another. I could hear the fruit bats in the background, nothing seemed to disturb them.
I sat trying to pick out tinder material, food sources, building material. I couldn’t quite my mind. I wouldn’t let the calm seep in. I was amazed at how much noise people make walking along the pathway on the opposite side of the river. It was as thought they didn’t inhale to stop talking. I tried picking out alarm calls of birds, however the whole area went quite when joggers went by.
I had acknowledged country and as the distraction of mind chatter increased I tried to notice them, recognize them and witness them and then try and gather them in my breath, hold it and let them go with my breath out.
There were no sea eagles swooping down or foxes walking in front of me. Ive yet to see the tiger snakes in the area Ive been told about. Nothing special or out of the ordinary happening.
I watched as the fish rose in the river for bugs and as the leaves fell from the trees. The music from the many species of birds and I stopped trying to pick out warning calls from companion calls or picking out tree species.
Calmness never entered my body. I haven’t felt that for some time. Contentment started to seep in as the weather dropped and the light started to grow cold.
My hour was up as I reentered civilization and I couldn’t help notice how much destruction was attributed with society. I longed to live in a tipi again away from the ashphalt.

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