Arrived in Tasmania after a hectic night of the ferry turning around for a medical emergency, then a storm front. Sea sick from 130am until reaching port and four hours over due. GPS sent me through the wrong route and ended up going through the central highlands. I was told a few hours earlier it was minus 3 cel and snowing.

The roads through the highlands aren’t particularly wide. One small bridge the on coming traffic has to give way and a small yellow car didn’t give way to me and I had to swerve into the bunting to avoid taking it out. The on lookers said they were amazed I didn’t roll the van. Brand new front tyre now has a four inch slash. I was stuck there an hour, several people stopped to see if they could help. The last vehicle having a long enough breaker bar and sockets to remove the rim. That’s one thing about Tasmania, people will stop to help out. Thx guys! I had the entire van packed with building materials and had left my tools at home thinking it was all going to be carpentry. No sockets, 1/2 inch rattle gun or breaker bar. The jack supplied with vehicle didn’t work and the old breaker bar only fitted the old 16 inch rims. Even if the jack had worked it wouldn’t have fitted under the vehicle with a flat tyre. Never going any where again without my tools.

Workshop cleaned out and the van empty. Couldn’t ask for a better view when working.

Today’s job strip the wall paneling, the rubber flooring and carpet.

Only jobs left to do today are pull up the tie down points with a torque wrench and move the paneling to the storage area out of the weather.

Taking a short break taking photographs of Bruny Island

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