511 Rush 24 pack

Ive almost finished the Wilderness Response kit. I have the following to purchase but am having trouble finding anyone with all SAM Splint sizes in stock at once.

bleed kit to be moved to side pouch

The other items I can source from a local chemist. Id also like to grab two extra large general purpose pouches from SORD Australia to place on the sides of the 511 RUSH 24 just to organise the contents better instead of trying to jam everything into the main compartments. .Have the bleed kit in one side and the breaks and sprains with all other bandages in the other side pouch. Ive also added three glow sticks to use as markers and would also like to include an orange marker panel to aid in rescuers locating a patient during a rescue operation..

hypothermia kit and survival kit

Yet to Purchase:

sharpies x 2

Sam splints 2×36 1×18 1×9 finger splints x 6

2x 3 inch 2x 6 inch elastic bandages

Irrigation syringe

Burntec 4×4 inch wet dressing x 2

Saline eye rinse

Snake bite bandages x 2

internal section id like to move the rescue items to the outside of the pack



PPE at top airway in bottom section